The Safe Travels Defend plan covers up to $50,000 trip cancellation and trip interruption. Also included is $50,000 primary emergency accident and sickness medical coverage. It covers pre-existing medical conditions when coverage is purchased within 7 days of deposit and the full, nonrefundable trip cost is insured. It offers $600 for potential accommodations/lodging expenses due to trip delay and airline ticket change fee. Provides primary baggage loss and delay, emergency medical evacuation.

This plan offers Optional Coverages including**:

  • Rental Car Damage Coverage $50,000 with a $100 Deductible
  • 24 Hour Accidental Death and Dismemberment

**Additional cost and terms apply. Available options differ by state.

This plan is only available U.S. Residents

Plan Highlights

  • Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical and Evacuation, Baggage – and more
  • COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 are covered and treated as any other sickness
  • Up to $50,000 of Primary Medical coverage
  • Comprehensive coverage for pre-travel and once you depart
  • Property Damage coverage for accommodations - NOT available to residents of NY
  • Competitive coverage designed for travel within the United States or International
  • Pre-Existing Coverage on plans purchased within 7 days of initial deposit
  • Available to US residents traveling within the United States and abroad

Benefits of Coverage

Trip Protection Benefits
Trip Cancellation
100% of the Insured Trip Cost up to $50,000
Trip Interruption
100% of the Insured Trip Cost up to $50,000
Trip Delay
$600 ($150 per day for delays of 12 hours or more)
Missed Connection
$300 per Covered Trip for delays of 12 hours or more
Rental Car Damage Coverage
Optional Benefit
Optional - $50,000/$100 Deductible (This benefit is not available in CT or NY).
Protection for Belongings Benefits
Baggage & Personal Effects
Up to $500 per Covered Trip | Deductible: $0.00 | Primary Coverage
  • Per Article Limit: $100
  • Combined Article Limit: 50% of Baggage & Personal Effects Benefit
Baggage Delay
Minimum 12 hours delay | Maximum $200 | Daily Limit of $100 | Primary Coverage
Medical Benefits
Medical Expenses
$50,000 | $100 Deductible | Primary Coverage
  • Dental Expense Only: Up to $500
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Principal Sum
  • 24 Hour: $10,000
  • Flight Only-Optional: $25,000
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver
Includes benefits for Pre-existing Conditions when purchased within 7 days of the Initial Trip Deposit Date. Pre-Existing Conditions Look Back Period is 180 days.
AD&D Common Carrier Air Only
Optional Benefit
$25,000 Principal Sum (This benefit is included in CT and NY).
Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation Benefits
Emergency Medical Evacuation and Medically Necessary Repatriation
  • Hospital Companion/Return of Minor Children: Covered
  • 3 Days Hospitalized to trigger additional benefits, see policy for details
Repatriation of Mortal Remains
24/7 Assistance Benefits
Non Insurance Assistance Services
Additional Benefits
Free Look
This plan has a Free Look period where you may cancel the insurance and receive a refund of premium provided no claim has been filed and you have not left on your trip. The number of "Free Look" days varies by state. See Plan Documents for details.

Plan Definitions


    The plan will reimburse you if you are prevented from taking your covered trip due to any of the unforeseen Events listed on your plan. The event must occur before you depart on your covered trip and while your coverage is in effect. Covered expenses include a. Forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, and non-refunded published payments or deposits that you paid for Your unused trip. Should you elect to reschedule your trip instead of cancelling, in lieu of covering these expenses we will pay for change fees charged by your travel supplier.


    If you or your traveling companion, booked to travel with you, are prevented from continuing or resuming your trip due to unforeseen circumstances such as sickness, injury, death, strike, bankruptcy, terrorist attack, called to military duty, subpoenaed for jury duty. Please see your state certificate for details.


    If you are delayed for 12 or more hours, while in route to or from your trip due to a defined unforeseen event such as delay of common carrier, traffic accident, weather, stolen passports or visas, quarantine, hijacking, unannounced strike, mandatory evacuation order due to a natural disaster, adverse weather or natural disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation. We will reimburse you, up to the plan maximum for covered additional expenses on a one-time basis.


    For the expense of replacing necessary personal effects if your checked baggage is delayed or misdirected by a Common Carrier for more than 12 hours while on your trip. Primary Coverage.


    For the loss, theft or damage to baggage and personal effects while checked with a Common Carrier during your trip. Primary Coverage.


    If you miss your cruise or tour departure, scheduled during your Trip, that results from cancellation or delay, for three (3) or more hours, of all regularly scheduled airline flights due to Inclement Weather. Coverage is secondary to any compensation provided by a Common Carrier.


    For necessary covered expenses while on your covered trip and as a result of an accidental injury or emergency sickness that first manifests itself during the covered trip and the initial documented treatment is given by a physician during this trip.


    Exclusion is waived if coverage is purchased within 7 days of the initial
    trip deposit date, and the full, non-refundable trip cost is insured, and you are medically able to travel on the policy effective date.


    If You suffer an accidental injury or emergency sickness that warrants your emergency medical evacuation while you are on a covered trip. Covers medically necessary transportation, including reasonable and customary medical services and supplies incurred in connection with your emergency medical evacuation. Expenses for transportation must be: a. recommended by the attending physician; b. Required by the standard regulations of the conveyance transporting You; and c. Reviewed and pre-approved by our assistance company.

    If you die due to an accidental injury or covered sickness during the covered trip covers costs to return your body to your primary residence.


    We will reimburse you for the cost of repairs and rental charges imposed by the rental company while the car is being repaired, the actual cash value of the car or the maximum benefit. You must be a licensed driver and listed on the rental agreement in order for coverage to apply.


    FREE LOOK PERIOD~ is 14 days except in the following states: Arkansas 15-day Free Look, Texas 15-day Free Look, Virginia 15-day Free Look, Florida 21-day Free Look, Indiana 30-day Free Look, New York: After the14-day. If Free Look period has expired, the insured may cancel their policy and be eligible for a pro-rata refund provided you have not started your trip and a claim has not been filed or intended to be filed and you have not filed a claim under this Policy. To request a refund you need to submit documentation showing proof that the original trip was cancelled and fully refunded. Documentation can be submitted to: When calculating the free look period, the date of purchase is counted as day 1.

    If travel has started, the premium is non-refundable.